Today, Saturday 19th October, the doors of the country’s first art centre, here in Bridgwater’s famous Castle Street, were thrown open to the public for people to drop in, see what’s going on and consider getting involved. This free event invited the community to explore the vibrant world of arts and culture that thrives within the centre. From 11:00am to 3:00pm, visitors enjoyed a variety of activities, performances, and workshops designed to showcase the diverse offerings of the arts centre.
Highlights of the day included venue tours,theatre performances by Caught in the Act Youth Theatre at 11:00am, a Bounce class at 12:00pm, and the Bridgwater Community Choir at 1:30pm.

In the studio, Rachel Gundry led a Mind Art Workshop, while the bar area saw performances by the Bridgwater Ukulele Strummers Club at 11:00am and the Jazzical Swing Band at 1:00pm.
The gallery hosted art demonstrations by Steve Gathercole and provided an opportunity to meet artists Jill Lister and Frances Allerton.
Centre manager Becci Armory said “This was a fantastic opportunity to tour the arts centre, meet the team, and learn about the various programs and events on offer.”

Events programmed at the Arts Centre feature a mix of music, comedy, and festive fun, with a variety of events lined up throughout the remainder of the year, including performances by Alfie Moore on 24 October, Louis and The Iguanas on 26 October, Steve Knightley on 15 November, Santa’s Christmas Cracker on 11 December, and Mad Dog Mcrea on 19 December.
For more information on what’s happening at Bridgwater Arts Centre and to book tickets, please visit the booking site https://www.bridgwaterartscentre.co.uk/events/