At the first meeting of the new ‘Friends of Bridgwater Arts Centre’ group last night, local artist Jonet Middleton was elected by members as Chair, which means she also becomes chair of the new Arts Centre Steering group set up to take the project forward under the new auspices of Bridgwater Town Council. Speaking after the meeting Jonet said “I thought the meeting went well and feel we are now on a positive path to a great future. As a Bridgwater girl I have been involved with the Arts Centre since the 1960s. Most recently with the Visual Arts Commitee and as a volunteer.I care not only about the beautiful building but also about the part the Arts Centre can play in the community. The Friends group will look to increase participation in all areas of the arts in Bridgwater”.

The meeting also elected 3 further delegates to the steering group from its number, Jan Elliott, Liz Bell and Alona De Havilland.
Leader of Bridgwater Town Council Brian Smedley said “This is the final link in the transfer from the old to the new at the Arts Centre. The Friends Group will play a valuable role in bringing together members, users and volunteers, who are the lifeblood of this place, and will play the leading role on the new Steering Group in equal part alongside councillors and officers. The Art Centre has a bright future and it’s secure because of the Town Councils commitment to maintaining and staffing the building leaving the people free to get on with their creative activities without worrying about whether the place will close and safe in the knowledge that it will be there for future generations.”
The People who use it

The Bridgwater Arts Centre, another first for Bridgwater, was the first arts centre in the country and new manager Beccy Armory has been employed to run it along with the Town Hall. Beccy said “One of the most enjoyable parts of running a community arts centre is getting to know the people who use it; the community groups, the audiences, the volunteers and working alongside
you. Understanding more about you, what your motivations are for attending and how you first experienced the Arts Centre. I know the takeover hasn’t been easy but I can assure you that the council’s motivation for being here is the same as yours – it is to secure its place in Bridgwater for years to come, it is as important to them as it is to you that the Arts Centre remains a community arts building for the people of Bridgwater. There are new developments ahead and we want you to come along with us. Your thoughts on the Arts Centre are hugely important as this is your community. So bring your improvements, your ideas, your future… Your experience, your passion, your commitment to your group, the building and the arts, it is important to offer your voice to the steering group so we can better serve the community that loves this place.”
A Centre of Excellence

New Friends delegate Jan Elliott said “I’ve been volunteering at the Art Centre for 15ish years and I have been trained in the role of Duty Manager, Box Office and Steward. I would like to see Bridgwater Art Centre evolve into the centre of excellence that it is so capable of becoming; to be a vibrant centre supporting a varied programme to suit all ages – young, old and all those in between.”
Alona De Havilland , another delegate, is a senior leader at Shaw Trust, working with multiple stakeholders on high profile projects and events. She brings extensive experience of community engagement and employee representation at all levels. Locally, Alona is a trustee of Stand Against Violence and a founder member of the Enmore and District Women’s Group. Alona says “I am excited to be part of the new Steering Group for the Art Centre which holds a special place in the hearts of many Bridgwater residents, myself included, and it will be a privilege to be part of maintaining its heritage and future for the next generation to enjoy”.
Getting involved
Elected rep Liz Bell, a former BAC trustee and a keen advocate of all the arts, added “I have been an active member of the visual arts committee for the last 10 years and I am particularly looking forward to the new refurbished Gallery which will offer a more flexible space and the opportunity to extend the range and reach of our future exhibitions.”
Anyone can become a member of the Friends of the Bridgwater Arts Centre or get involved in any of the other activities. Simply turn up to the box office and sign up.
For more information click here