Somerset County Council’s decision to ‘temporarily’ close North Street -part of the main A39 access from the west into Bridgwater, has proved very unpopular and councillors have been approached by numerous people with complaints. David Peake, County Highways supremo, said “The work that is being undertaken on site is highway drainage work, promoted by Sedgemoor Highways Office. Somerset County Council have made an Order prohibiting all traffic from proceeding along North Street – from the junction with Camden road, south eastwards for a total distance of 40 metres. This Order will enable Milestone Infrastructure to carry out structural maintenance – Drainage Works.”

When asked when it will end, we were told “The Order became effective on 23rd August 2022 and will remain in force for eighteen months. The works are expected to commence on 30th August 2022 and last until 12th September 2022 between the hours of 00:00 – 23:59 for a total of 14 days.”
Please visit https://one.network/?tm=128680675 for further information on the alternative route.
For information about the works being carried out please contact Somerset Highways on telephone number 0300 123 2224 quoting reference number ttro449863SE.