It’s been a while since we gave an update on the Northgate project. A lot has happened and the countdown to completion is getting closer. Westover councillors Brian Smedley, Kath Pearce and Tim Mander recently visited the site and we’re in regular contact with residents, with Wilmot Dixon and with Sedgemoor District Council. Everyone wants the project to succeed – not least Sedgemoor, who see it as their main legacy project, or the residents who would like to have some positive outcome for having to put up with the disruption to their lives. Here’s a summary.

Pedestrian crossing
Pavement closure on Mount Street –This was raised as a problem by residents of Mount Street and Blake Court. The new arrangement is causing people to have to cross the road nearer to Aldi. However, we have raised this and the pavement to the pedestrian crossing will be open by the end of next week.
Blacklands access

The pedestrian access from Blacklands around the edge of the scheme – the hoardings are down because this end of the site will now be targeted for building works, trenches, cabling and other related activity and it means that the cabins will be removed the week after next. Because it will be necessary to move the fence line in and out while this work is undertaken it won’t be possible to light the route as before. However we are in the summer so daylight is long, the cabins will be gone so there’s no overshadowing and the 2.4m hoarding is now down and it will only be a 6’ open fence with netting now. The street light at Mount Street end and Blacklands end will provide some light across the area. If this is unacceptable the only way we can power lights is by generator and noise would of course then become a factor.
The Blacklands residents pedestrian route will be diverted through the middle of the scheme between the two buildings by the middle of August and will then revert back to the perimeter before opening.

Landscape on Brewery Field is establishing and management is ongoing to ensure grass, wildflower meadows and other plantings are successful. A first cut and organic weed herbicide has been undertaken. The pond and swale system is fully planted and is already looking very successful, on my visit this morning I could see a lot of different insects taking advantage of the planting. Tim adds “I think you need to give it time to settle and also view in context of whole development”

The Trees are back on Mount street. 6 of them.
Fitting out
Scott Cinema fit is underway and AllStars Bowling are preparing for fit out to start in early August.
Discussions with restaurant operators continues and we are hoping to make some announcements very soon.
Enviromental issues

Procurement of electric vehicle charge points has concluded and preferred installer / supplier has been chosen – these charge points will be available when the scheme opens.