“Today we are all Ukrainians!”
Here in England, in Somerset, in a little town of Bridgwater, we unite to show support to Ukraine.
A week ago (feels like eternity! The longest and the hardest week in my life!) on Thursday night, Russia started a war on Ukraine, a large-scale invasion launched by a missile strike.
All night the Russian invaders tried to get to a beautiful, peaceful capital of Ukraine – Kyiv and other major cities of the county.
The war in my homeland has lasted for a week.
My compatriots, my friends, my fellow Ukrainians have been defending their homeland, Europe and democracy around the world.
The soldiers stand as one and fight for every inch of land. As Churchill said We shall fight on the beaches we shall fight on the landing grounds we shall fight in the fields and in the streets we shall fight in the hills we shall never surrender.
They show unprecedented heroism and resilience in the fight. The women join in with arms and prayers. If they can’t fight, they make Molotov cocktails, camouflage nets. They make food and deliver it to the front and find ways to feed civilians in the occupied territories. A Russian speaking 65-year-old father of a friend drives soldiers and supplies to the front and says I CANT JUST SIT AND DO NOTHING! I MUST HELP”. This war has NOTHING to do with the language as claimed by Russian media. It is a brutal act of extermination of a peaceful and freedom loving population of Ukraine.
We can see in the media that Russian bombing is causing devastation of residential districts, whole cities and towns, killing of innocent people, many of whom are children. 167 school were destroyed during this week’s shelling. Thousands are displaced. People have to abandon their homes, friends, often let the relatives take their children to safety. Many are fleeing to the west – Poland, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and other countries. Overwhelming majority of them are the women and children.
Today we are all Ukrainians, but I want to speak as a citizen of the UK. We, people of all nations, nationalities should show unanimous support.
– Social media is a mighty tool. Post the truth about the atrocities in Ukraine, especially to your Russian or Belorussian contacts. Let them know we, Ukrainians, don’t need to be liberated. Just like Hungary and Czechoslovakia didn’t need it in the Soviet times.
– We must DEMAND from the UK government to extend the refugee status to Ukrainians, at least those who have families here. They can’t apply for an entry visa while sitting in the bomb shelters. They need a safe route to enter the country.
– Military needs our support! I have printed a list of medical and military supply that the army can be helped with, Please take one and see what you can do!

– Civilians – women and children suffer! They leave their houses with the most precious – children and pets. Warm clothes, foot wear, nappies, personal hygiene products, vitamins, supplements, MEDICATION – pain killers, fever relief, diarrhoea pills, long lasting food – full list is here. These need to be sorted out by type to ease the pressure on the volunteers and aid workers on the border.
– RED CROSS Ukraine work 24/7. Please donate to the Red Cross (links on the website or I can give it to you).
Every little matters! Every little helps.
Thank you everyone for your support as now it is important to stand shoulder to shoulder together.
Long live Ukraine!
Glory to Ukraine. Слава Україні!
Glory to the defenders of Ukraine! Слава захисникам України!