Welcome to the website of Bridgwater Westover ward produced by your four ward Councillors
10 Sep
Calendar Photographs Wanted -Do You Have Some?
What images shall we use for the 2022 calendar? Over to you!
Each year the Bridgwater Town Council Christmas Calendar is a welcome addition to the promotion of our town. For the past few years we’ve featured works by local artists such as Terence Peppin and his evocative townscapes of Bridgwater, Jim Goddard and his collages of past and present images , Les Pickersgill and his artistic visions of nature and the built environment and the creator of the first calendar Jana Branecka with her vision of Bridgwater through the eyes of a guest to our town. This year we are asking anyone who has a photo they might like to see in our calendar to send it to us . We’re looking for local images that might sum up a specific month, or just general photos of our town and surrounds. People, places, scenery, events, history, old Bridgwater, new Bridgwater -over to you, the people that live here. We need hi res images, which might mean sending via ‘we transfer’ , you can send more than one, and you need to get them to our Admin Assistant Amy Storey, by 8 October 2021 on office@bridgwater-tc.gov.uk . The 12 most appropriate images will be allocated months and the best photo (as chosen by our panel of not quite experts) will get the cover spot (and the photographer a special prize curtesy of the Mercure Hotel. Let’s see those photos!!