Bridgwater Town Council has a system whereby Ward Councillors can recommend Community groups for Grant aid from the ‘Ward Budgets’. This means that each of Bridgwater’s 7 wards has an annual budget of £1,000 to allocate in this way. This in no way prevents groups and individuals contacting the Town Council through the normal Grant Aid procedure.
The system involves contacting one of your Town Councillors who then has to get majority support from his or her fellow ward Councillors. The submission is then ratified by the Finance committee.
Westover Town Councillors are Brian Smedley, Kath Pearce and Pat Morley. They can be contacted through with ideas.
The sort of Grants we’ve awarded
Friends of Brownes Pond: £500

As a contribution to works in progress in taking the pond into community ownership.
West Quay Action Group: £500

To assist with hardship cases relating to the wall collapse.
Bridgwater Arts Centre £1,000