Pride in Bridgwater 2024

The town centre of Bridgwater turned into a cascade of colour, a celebration of tolerance and a parade of pride as the confident LGBT community and supporters took to the streets. Bridgwater Pride is now in only its second year but has triumphantly taken its place  alongside communities across the world celebrating diversity, social and self acceptance and liberation.

Leigh Redman with Labour campaign manager Gary Tucker

With the general election only days away 3 of the  candidates were there, Pele Barnes, in a bright red devil costume, Claire Sully the Lib Dem, subtly wearing bright yellow and Labour candidate Leigh Redman who said “It was great to be able to attend Bridgwater Pride, to take part in the march and to speak to constituents face to face about their concerns and aspirations.The atmosphere on the day was fantastic, it was lovely to see so many families coming out to enjoy the entertainment, show support for the LGBTQIA community and have a great time, in addition to supporting local businesses taking part in the independent market.”


As the parade wended its way from St Mary Street, past Cornhill and along High Street Leigh generously added “It’s great see some of the other parliamentary candidate’s attending, Pele and Clair were there too, sometimes we need to leave our politics at the door, I think this shows how unity for all should be welcomed. I was glad to see so much support and love on display, it was a real testament to what an inclusive town we live in. Days like today make me proud to be a resident of Bridgwater, and part of a really wonderful constituency which I hope to be able to represent in Westminster.”

Pride is now an annual event in Bridgwater and is celebrated the world over in June to remember the Stonewall Riots which say a popular uprising against US persecution of sexual minorities in 1969.

Scenes from 2024 Bridgwater Pride