Category: Parking

Following the major concern about Town Centre parking since Civil Parking Enforcement was brought in during June 2012, Westover Councillors launched a campaign to identify roads and zones that could be considered for a pilot RESIDENT PARKING SCHEME.

Blacklands Finally Gets its Yellow Lines

How long does it take for Somerset Council to turn up with a pot of yellow paint and paint some yellow lines? Probably best we didn’t say. A LONG time. However, the equally long suffering residents of Blacklands now have them back and the chronic over parking in illegal areas can be properly monitored. Westover […]

The Car Parks They Are A Changing

Eagle-eyed residents, visitors and shoppers in Bridgwater may have noticed new signs in the old Northgate Car park. With the opening of the new Northgate Yard complex approaching and to help avoid confusion the old Northgate car park is now called West Quay Car park. Which is a welcome development because the actual ‘North Gate’ […]

Town anger as Tories Target Bridgwater for Higher Car Park Fees

Labour councillors were incensed at this weeks Meeting of Sedgemoor District Council as the controlling Tory group pushed through car park increases, but just for 2 Bridgwater car parks while the rest of the District charges were frozen. Proposals to raise fees by 25% in Dampiet street and Market street were voted through despite attempts […]

Residents Parking : Making sure it works for everyone

After years of campaigning on behalf of the 80% of people in the streets affected who wanted residents parking in Westover we are almost there -but we need to make sure we get it right so that it works for everyone. Today letters to residents have arrived from Somerset County Council which is in effect […]

Residents Parking: We Dared to Dream…

Yes it was more than 4 years ago that residents of Westover said PLEASE can we have a residents parking scheme and councillors said ‘we’ll support that, but only in the streets that really really want them’ and so we asked Somerset County Council, but then it took all that time to get them to […]