Blacklands Finally Gets its Yellow Lines

Tin of paint, yellow lines, Boer wars nearly finished, job done!

How long does it take for Somerset Council to turn up with a pot of yellow paint and paint some yellow lines? Probably best we didn’t say. A LONG time. However, the equally long suffering residents of Blacklands now have them back and the chronic over parking in illegal areas can be properly monitored. Westover Ward Councillor Tim Mander says “Excellent news after lobbying by ward members and residents that Somerset Council have at long last repainted the double yellow lines at the end of Blacklands. This will make the control of illegal and double parking much easier to control. Local residents have been frustrated at the actions of a limited number of “fly Parker’s” with parking enforcement powerless to do anything as a result of the faded disappearance of the double yellow lines. I am glad to say it is now clear where you can and cannot park.”