The Unitary division of Bridgwater South consists of Westover and Hamp. The Unitary Councillors for Bridgwater South are Kathy Pearce & Brian Smedley. The Town Councillors for Hamp are Liz Leavy & Leigh Redman.
2 May
Police & Crime Commissioner Election in Hamp Today Thursday 2 May
The election for the Police and Crime Commissioner for the Avon & Somerset area is being held today across the area. In Hamp the place to vote in the Holy Trinity Church Hall on Hamp Street.
Polling stations are open from 7am to 10pm
There are 4 candidates. Tory, Labour, Lib Dem and Green.
The Labour candidate is CLARE MOODY
6 Jan
Exciting Times ahead for Hamp as New Community Hub opens.

Bridgwater Town Council are excited to announce that the Recreation Community Hub on Rhode Lane, Hamp is now open. The building was acquired last year by the council with the aim of regeneration and reopening to offer the local residents a community space once again. Over the last seven months the old YMCA building, which sits on the junction of Rhode Lane and King George Avenue, has undergone an extensive refurbishment and has been kitted out with a brand new kitchen, modern furnishings and a lick of paint. ReCreation was at the heart of Hamp’s community activity for many years but due to challenges presented during the Covid lockdowns the building was sadly closed and fell into disrepair. Bridgwater Town Council were presented with the opportunity to take the building on in January 2023 and after a year of public consultation and major refurbishment they are now ready to open the doors and invite the community in.
Continue reading “Exciting Times ahead for Hamp as New Community Hub opens.”
12 May
A New Future for RECREATION-Community Consultation Day 25th May

Bridgwater Town Council has recently taken ownership of the RECREATION community building from the YMCA and will now set about renovating the building before reopening it back to the community. Town Councils community officer AnnMarie Gould has organised a public Community Consultation at ReCreation on Thursday 25th May 10am- 6pm. AnnMarie says “At the consultation we would like to meet members of the Hamp Community to talk about the renovation plans and seek their views on a range of areas on how the ReCreation Community Hub can provide support to the community and that it becomes a place they can use. We are also seeking the Hamp Community’s views on other matters relating to the Hamp area. We would like to invite people to pop in and say hello and have a chat or alternatively send us an email with any thoughts you may have on the role the ReCreation can play in Hamp going forward. We would also be grateful if you could share the details of the event with the community to encourage people to come along.”
Continue reading “A New Future for RECREATION-Community Consultation Day 25th May”
22 Jan
ReCreation Reborn

A major intervention on the Hamp estate by Bridgwater Town Council will see the ReCreation building on Rhode Lane brought back into community use. For many years the building, originally the Hamp Activity Centre and later a youth club, was a major feature of community provision on the estate and included everything from a cafe to zumba classes. In recent years it fell into disrepair , particularly during Covid, and consequentially suffered vandalism as it looked like it would never open again. Now with the changes in Local Government Bridgwater Town Council, which will have an increased role after Unitary comes in from April 2023, has taken on the management and funding of the building and will introduce staff to maintain the place and immediately start consulting with the community to find what is needed. There will be a meeting on 1st February at 7pm at the Hub on Rhode Lane to which everyone is invited.
22 Jan