Yes it was more than 4 years ago that residents of Westover said PLEASE can we have a residents parking scheme and councillors said ‘we’ll support that, but only in the streets that really really want them’ and so we asked Somerset County Council, but then it took all that time to get them to actually introduce the schemes and now..NOW…they’re almost.. ALMOST here. We dared to dream, but dare we risk open our waking eyes to see what the new world looks like??
Well, if you look around Westover today you’ll see a series of roads marked out saying ‘Permit Holders only’…which means that dream is now pretty much a reality. However, it’s a little confusing. We’re not sure that they’ve marked out the right streets (and they certainly can’t have finished the job yet) and people aren’t yet sure how to obtain their permits. On top of this, visitors and people from areas not involved in the schemes are naturally wondering what’s going on and how it affects them.
Naturally we’ve tried to get County to explain this and inevitably, like the whole process, that information has not been very forthcoming.
So in summary – this is where we are.

SCC are currently installing the new road markings and signs in Bridgwater however, the scheme will not go live until April 2016. It should be on April the 1st, but as they’ve already admitted ‘that might slip’ we can safely assume it will.
Crucially, ‘No enforcement’ will take place until the scheme does go live so any one can still park in these spaces without penalty for the next few weeks until then. So DON’T leave them empty as you’re doing at the moment, no-one will book you. SCC say “We will not commence enforcement until Monday 18th April”.
SCC say “We are currently confirming the database to establish eligible properties . All residents will receive a letter this week advising them that they need to start thinking about purchasing permits towards the end of March. To avoid receiving a penalty charge notice following the 18th April 2016 you will need to ensure a resident permit is displayed on your vehicle. A permit is required if you intend to leave your vehicle on the street during the hours of control. The requirement for a permit applies even if it is left across your own drive within a
parking bay. Outside of the controlled hours no permit is required”.
People need to know how they can get the permits.

Permits can be bought on line via the SCC website or by post. · There are a number of different permits available (first and second vehicle, visitor, scratch cards, carers, landlords etc.). Please note disabled drivers with a blue badge get their first permit free of charge. Scratch cards – 30p each, maximum of 100 per year. Sold in strips of 5 minimum order 10 strips. Can be used in any vehicle ·
Resident permits – First vehicle – £60 per year – Second vehicle £100 per year. These are vehicle specific. · Annual visitor permit – £60 per year. Can be used in any vehicle.
To apply for, or renew, a resident’s parking permit online you must:
• Be eligible to purchase or renew the permit.
• Provide an email address and telephone number
• Be able to upload your proof of residency and/or vehicle ownership
• Be able to pay for your permit using a credit or debit card registered to the same address that the permit is for
• Read the Terms and Conditions and agree to them
• Have your renewal letter with permit number and pin available (renewals only)
Paying for your permit online

You will be asked to enter your credit or debit card details at the end of your application. Your application and uploaded proofs will be checked within 2 working days.
If your application is accepted your permit will be sent to your home address by first class post within 3 working days.
The details of any resident’s permits will be available on the Civil Enforcement Officer’s (parking warden’s) handheld device as soon as your permit is approved.
This will avoid a penalty charge being received whilst your permit is in the post.
If we have any queries regarding your application we will contact you by email or telephone within 2 working days.
You will receive an email notification when your permit is approved.
If you are not eligible for a parking permit we will refund the fee back to your credit or debit card.
How much does it cost?

• First resident parking permit £60
• Second resident parking permit £100
• If you have an off-road space you are only entitled to one resident parking permit, which will cost £50
• Annual visitor parking permit £60
• Scratch cards – 30p each, maximum of 100 per year. Sold in strips of 5 minimum order 10 strips.
• Residents with both a vehicle, and Blue Badge, registered to them at the address will be entitled to receive their first resident’s permit free of charge each year.
Postal applications
If you are unable to apply online you can apply by post. Print an application form from the Information and resources section of this page.
You can also request an application form by phone 0333 999 8889 or email somerset@parkingenquiry.co.uk.
The application forms include guidance notes on eligibility for each of the schemes. Please send a cheque or postal order with your completed application form.
Renewing your permit

We will send you a reminder to renew your permit four weeks before your permit’s expiry date.
All permits are renewable annually. Permits expire on the date printed on them. You can apply to renew a permit up to one month prior to the expiry date. There is no period of grace between expiry and renewal. For renewals we only require proof of residence so long as the vehicle registration number remains the same. If you change your vehicle or move house you will have to return your permit and apply for a replacement.
Care worker’s parking permit (On-street permits only)
Carers parking in these areas to visit clients need to display a carer’s parking permit, which cost £10 each.
Other Points
Who can apply for a permit? Anyone with an address in the zone that is their usual place of residence.
How long does a permit last? 12 months from date of issue
How many permits can you have? Each household a maximum of 2. Unless you have off road parking (5m x 2.5m) in which case 1.
Visitors? £60 permit or daily scratch cards £3 for book of 10. Household can buy 100 scratch cards a year
Size of vehicles? Up to light goods vehicle size 2.5 tonnes, 2,3m high, 5.3m long
Motorbikes? No permit needed
Disabled? First permit free
Deliveries? delivery vehicles have 20 minutes free
Businesses? £150 business permit if vehicle needed for business. Staff not eligible.
Landlord? Eligible for ‘non resident landlord’ permit. 3 options £150, £300, £600
Non Car owners? Can still buy visitors permits
Contact: Somerset Parking Services
Address: Somerset County Council, PO Box 705, Oldham, OL1 9NF
Email: somerset@parkingenquiry.co.uk
Contact no: 0333 999 8889
Opening Hours (To speak to an advisor about a penalty notice or a resident permit): Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, Saturday and Sunday closed.