How do you go from the prospect of a Tesco Mega store that frankly no one wanted to a much-needed new primary school; spanking new park and play area; Multiplex cinema; bowling alley and sports bar together with 4 destination restaurants? Well, the answer is with a lot of luck; the injection of public funds and a project manager and project team with the enthusiasm and commitment to deliver against the odds. Wednesday the 8th March 2023 will see the opening of Allstars Sports/Bowl at Northgate Yard a long awaited and indeed wanted Leisure facility. Former Sedgemoor District Council Officer and currently Labour Town Councillor for Westover, Tim Mander, shares his thoughts.

“For many Bridgwater residents this will be seen at vindication for the strong objections that the prospect of a Tesco Megastore generated. No one wanted it and fortunately Tesco nationally realised that this type of operation actually wasn’t working. Unfortunately for them they had entered into an agreement with SDC/SCC which bound them to build the store within a set period of time. To buy themselves out of the deal they somewhat surprisingly offered £9 million and not so surprisingly SDC/SCC (land ownership split 60/40) said thank you very much let’s have your cash!
Municipal Socialism
So, with cash in their pockets SCC quickly decided that their compensation could go to build a new
primary school so down came the Enterprise Centre and the Old Blake Hospital whilst in addition a section of the site on the Northgate side accommodated a new Aldi Store which added another
£1.6million in the kitty. Sedgemoor’s approach was then to invite the private sector to deliver a leisure project , a new cinema and a range of restaurants. Whilst there was interest the years of
austerity had reduced the profit margin for potential developers and SDC were left with a conundrum either deliver the project themselves or wait for something that may never happen.
It took some bravery to invest in a project which may, by some, be considered “municipal socialism” but hey ho let’s put politics aside for a minute a welcome a decision that had cross party support. A project team was set up headed by Doug Bamsey with Alison Turner controlling the purse strings but ultimately led by the brilliantly dogged, tenacious and committed Stuart Martin.

As luck would have it the Scott Cinemas lease was drawing to a close and they were keen to invest in a new state of the art 7 screen multiplex that would the company’s marquee cinema. Scotts have an excellent reputation locally and it was great news having them onboard. The other part of the scheme was originally proposed to be a 1st floor gym with 4 restaurants on the ground floor. Yet again luck was on Sedgemoor’s side as The Gym pulled out and Scotts introduced a guy called Pete Wallington to the Sedgemoor Team. Pete was a local guy who was in the process of developing a 10-pin bowling operation in Weston Super Mare and wanted to do the same in Bridgwater so with open arms he was welcomed on board and by doing so all the calls on social media for bowling to be included were answered. With these two key component parts signed up the long-awaited starting pistol was shot and after the usual procurement process a contract to build was let. The timing was not great with both Covid and Brexit causing problems with the supply chain but with strong financial controls in place and additional sources of funding identified the buildings were finally handed over at the end of October 2022 with Scotts opening for business.
So, there is still more to achieve Nandos and La Kasia Tapas will be shortly starting their fit outs leaving two more units to fill. But the revamped Brewery Field together with play areas is up and running and Bridgwater has finally got a Town Centre Leisure led scheme which it needs and deserves and will stop the hemorrhage of business to Taunton and who wouldn’t drink to that!”