Saturday 21st May is ACTIVE TRAVEL DAY in Bridgwater

Saturday 21st May will be Bridgwater’s first ACTIVE TRAVEL DAY. Organised by the Bridgwater Area Cycling Campaign and held at the Town Hall, the event will focus on getting us all out of our cars and getting moving, at the same time reducing our carbon footprint and enjoying the beautiful countryside all around us. There will be various stalls offering information on local cycling and walking routes, the benefits of using public transport and recent changes to the highway code.  The event will run from 10am to 3pm and will include an introduction by the Town Mayor, talks and information from organisations such as the Somerset Road Safety Partnership, SASP and Lifecycle UK. There will be free security bike marking from local PCSOs, free bike maintenance workshops and of course refreshments.

Glen Burrows Chair of Transport Forum

Chair of the Town Council sponsored Bridgwater Transport Forum, Glen Burrows, says “Active Travel is about health and well-being, as well as the need to cut dangerous traffic emissions. Healthy and sustainable forms of travel are vital for our health and the future of our planet. This is the first of many events which will demonstrate the opportunities and resources in our local community which are available to help us fulfil these goals.
Bridgwater Transport Forum (BTF) is working with Bridgwater Area Cycling Campaign (BACC) and other local organisations to promote all forms of active travel including; walking and cycling, along with increased use of public transport.  We’ll also look at the ways in which current infrastructure and facilities could be improved and extended. Entrance is free, so come and join us on 21 st May!”

Cllr Mick Lerry pushing measures to encourage the economic revival in centre Bridgwater

Town Councillor Mick Lerry (Victoria) says “The Active Travel Day is a collaborative event hosted by Bridgwater Town Council. The Active Travel Day will highlight the importance of cycling and walking as a way to move around Bridgwater and the surrounding area. This is the simplest form of travel to reduce emissions and how to stay healthy. It also shows that Bridgwater Town Council is serious about the climate change emergency and the Council is playing its part. There will also be important information relating to other public transport, such as Rail and Buses. Both have been hit badly by the reduction in passenger numbers and are still in recovery, which could also lead to further cuts in services at a time when there should be greater use of public transport”.

Any questions or queries contact:


Active Travellers

• Somerset County Council (SCC) – Transport Policy Team/Active Travel Officers (Active Travel) Stall 1
• Sedgemoor District Council – promotion of cycle tracks and infrastructure. Stall 2
• Bridgwater On Your Bike – bike repairs.
• Somerset Road Safety Partnership – Highway Code / road safety. Stall 4
• Life Cycle UK – free cycle lessons in Bridgwater, benefits and barriers to cycling. Stall 5
• Severnside Community Rail Transport – promoting safe and accessible travel. Stall 6
• Bridgwater Hub – disabled people and travel

Bridgwater Cycling Campaign reclaiming the Cornhill

• Bridgwater Area Cycling Campaign (BACC) A- Cycle network routes in Bridgwater, where they are, and future plans. Also supporting Sustrans. Stall 9
• Bridgwater Engine Room – arts and community engagement. Stall 11
• PSCO Bike Security Team – bike security marking. Stall 12
• Somerset Bus Partnership – promoting bus travel in Somerset
• Quiz Table – test your knowledge of active travel! Stall 10

Sponsored by Bridgwater Town Council