The Bridgwater Cultural Partnership (BCP) planned a lively week of activities for children in town over the recent Half-Term. Activities, based around the theme of International Fairy Tales and for the 4 to 12 age -group, were designed to appeal a range of skills and interests and all free. From making magic dragon eggs in clay at the Brick and Tile Museum and papercraft, to making fairy tale animations at the Engine Room and a whole host of different events at Bridgwater library, including storytelling, treasure hunt and a colouring competition. A special visit from a Disney princess completed the events in the library. Meanwhile if you were in town on 15th February you may have met the Snow Queen from the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale. In tandem with these activities The Bridgy Gallery displayed creatures of myths and legends. At dusk the projections of international fairy stories and myths began on the shop front windows of the Engine Room lighting up the town throughout the week.

Bridgwater Town Council Portfolio Holder for Arts, Culture and Heritage Cllr Irena Hubble (Labour, Fairfax West) said “It was great to see parents and children enjoying these activities together. Creative moments like this give everyone a chance to shine. Using your creative imagination is such an important part of expanding your skills and understanding. Finding time for this in the school curriculum is hard so opportunities like this are important outside of school. The BCP was delighted to put these events together and to liven the town centre. Town centres need animation in these times and looking around Bridgwater there is much to discover rand celebrate in town bringing a new kind of spirit to the town centre. The BCP looks forward to working on more projects like this.”
The Bridgy Gallery website can be found here.