Category: Heritage

Northgate Workhouse Hospital – Facing demolition within the month

Somerset County Council have announced that they will begin the demolition of the old Blake Hospital, early in the New Year. The Bridgwater Town Development Forum has called on the County Council to consider if the historic building could be re-used as part of the proposed new school. Now the Bridgwater and District Civic Society […]

Victory for Hope as Planning Inspectorate throws out developers appeal

In July 2015 a bid by Land Promotions Ltd to demolish the Hope Inn and replace it with a block of 22 apartments was opposed by local residents and Westover councillors yet despite SDC officers recommending in favour, the Sedgemoor Planning Committee backed the campaigners and refused planning permission. However, the Developer refused to accept […]

Sion Chapel Development Proceeds as Tombs Unearthed

Despite attempts by Westover ward councillors to prevent the development on an ancient graveyard in Friarn street the Ministry of Justice has now granted the licences and the tombs of long dead Bridgwater people are being unearthed and the remains disinterred for removal while plans for a housing project is now back on track. Councillor […]

‘Ghost Pictures’ bring old Bridgwater back to life

Bridgwater people are fascinated by old pictures of their town. The shape of the streets and the lay of the land has hardly changed in generations and it’s easy to imagine the sailing ships in the river harboured along West Quay, the pavements thronged with shoppers visiting the ample supply of local shops and even […]

Docks and Northgate on the Agenda for final Town Council Meeting

On Thursday 16th April the Bridgwater Town Council will meet for the final time before the election on May 7th and crucially the parting shot to prepare the ground for the incoming council will be a discussion on the recent public meeting about Northgate following the Tesco debacle. But also on the agenda will be […]