Category: Police

Town Council Leader Calls for ‘Police Priorities Forum’

For the first time in many years the Police were not in attendance at last nights Bridgwater Town Council meeting. Because the meetings are now held on Zoom the Police say they are not able to use this format. Town Council Leader Brian Smedley (Westover) said “We have always made Police issues the number one […]

Licence Revoked for Town Centre Store as Police clampdown on ASB

At today’s hearing of Sedgemoor District Council Licensing Panel an application from the Police and Trading Standards for the revocation of the Premises Licence for the International Food Centre on Bridgwater’s troubled Binford Place was agreed. Chairman of the Panel Cllr Jeff Savage said the Licence would be withdrawn at 1800 on 25th October pending […]

Police Re-Double Efforts in Town Centre Clampdown

Following the Town Councils public meeting with Police and Crime Commissioner Sue Mountstephens in June, and the local Police commitment to focus on anti-social behaviour in the town centre, this month’s meeting stepped up the pressure on the Police who in turn promised to increase their efforts. Sgt Joe Piscina, fronting the Bridgwater beat team, […]

Police Respond to Town Centre ASB

Following an angry meeting at the Bridgwater Town Development Forum this week where residents and town centre traders made their feelings known about the level of anti social behaviour the Police have responded swiftly with an increased and targeted presence in the key troublespot. PC Dom Bryant was on patrol along Fore street from early […]

Town Council put Police and Crime Commissioner under the spotlight

Following last months revelations about police numbers and force morale in Bridgwater,Police and Crime Commissioner for Avon and Somerset , Sue Mountstevens, was asked to attend the December 3rd meeting of Bridgwater Town Council to set the record straight…if she could. Sue Mountstevens, who was accompanied by Inspector Andrew Pritchard and Town Beat Sergeant Ryan […]