Category: Town Centre

New Eastover Web Site Launched

Just across the river from Westover is (oddly) Eastover. This is the part of the Town Centre where a new hotel will be built, where the Post Office was relocated to and where a length of stone in the shape of a rope wends it’s way through the riverside pavement originally intended to be fibre-optically […]

Which Way Forward for Bridgwater Town Centre

A group of councillors, traders, town and district council officers and shoppers toured Bridgwater Town Centre reviewing the previously agreedTown Centre Action Plan (as adopted 7.8.2014). The following report is an update with comments. 1. Definition of the Town Centre;- The Town Centre is bounded by 4 ‘Gateway’ points – a) West Gate;- The degeneration […]

Bridgwater’s Big Bash – Music and Theatre on a hot summer’s day

For the second weekend this summer Bridgwater has basked in the community spirit of it’s talented and creative people. Last week it was the Bridgwater Docks Gala and this week it was the turn of the Bridgwater Big Bash-a street party organised by the Bridgwater Arts Centre. It was summer and the sun came out. […]

Traders Survey suggests 28% downturn due to EDF/SCC roadworks

Following a meeting with Bridgwater town centre traders, Westover ward councillors were alerted to a serious downturn in trade due to the effect of the roadworks being carried out since February 2015 by EDF/SCC on the Taunton road and Broadway Junctions and impinging on St Mary street. A subsequent meeting with ward councillors Brian Smedley, […]

Town Traders in Face to Face meeting with EDF

The second meeting of Traders angry about the effect that EDF road works are having on their turnover was held at the Town Hall on Wednesday 1st April and chaired by County Councillor for Bridgwater South Leigh Redman. This time EDF were present to face their critics directly. Traders present included Biddiscombes, Loft Fashions, Autosave, […]