Popular centre manager Gareth Hughes is leaving Victoria Community Centre after some 10 years of developing the place into a well used community resource. He will be taking a job as Town Clerk in Chard and will be succeeded at Victoria Park by Laura Fowler. Victoria ward town councillor Liz Marsh says “We were all really devastated when Gareth told us that he was leaving. Gareth has been the Centre Manager at Victoria Park Community Centre (VPCC) for over 10 years and has been instrumental in helping the Centre be the success that it is today.”

Cllr Marsh continued “He will be without a doubt massively missed by not only the users of the Centre but by the staff, trustees and the tenants as well and we all wish him the best of luck with his new life in Chard. However Gareth’s departure has led us to appoint and welcome a new Centre Manager, Laura Fowler who started at VPCC on 17th April. Laura previously worked at Sedgemoor District Council and has a wealth of experience and a fantastic attitude with lots of ideas for moving the Centre forwards. We are without a doubt sad to be losing Gareth, whose last day at the Centre will be Thursday 4th May, but absolutely delighted to have welcomed Laura and look forward to working with her to see her ideas and vision for the Centre come to fruition.”

Turned the place around
At a farewell do arranged by workers and volunteers Cllr Mick Lerry, Chairman of the Board, said “When Gareth took over as centre manager we were struggling but he really turned the place around and built it up to the community hub it is today with everything from early education to luncheon clubs, knitters, a Pantry, and all with the help of some fantastic volunteers and a great team behind him. He’s created a a warm feeling here and people really love him.”

All about the community
Laura Fowler said her mission now was to keep the place vibrant and to build on what’s been created. In particular her focus will be on employment skills and she aims to introduce some apprentice schemes. “I want to build on Gareth’s legacy. It’s all about the community and their needs.”