Bridgwater people will have access to a new health and wellbeing hub which is to replace Victoria Park Medical Centre. The hub will provide a range of services, including support for children and young families as well as older people. In August 2021, the difficult decision was made to close Victoria Park Medical Centre in Bridgwater due to clinical staffing shortages. While NHS Somerset worked collaboratively with practice staff to find a solution it was not possible to find a way to provide a clinically safe service at the practice and patients were supported to re-register at other local practices in the area. To ensure the health needs of the local population were met, NHS Somerset set up a programme of work with the aim of considering the best model of care that should operate from the premises in the future. The programme included representatives from Victoria Park Community Centre, the District Council, Healthwatch, local health and care providers and NHS Somerset, with support from NHS South Central and West Commissioning Support Unit.
Michael Bainbridge, from NHS Somerset said, “Extensive public and stakeholder engagement was carried out to seek feedback and listen to local people and communities about what the potential futures options for the site could be. The development of a health and wellbeing hub will provide a holistic approach to addressing the health and care needs of the local community.”
Mick Lerry, Chair of the Victoria Park Community Centre, said: “A number of options were considered by the steering group and after careful consideration and engagement with the public, the steering group chose the Healthcare and Wellbeing option, linking the Centre with NHS professionals and the Primary Care Network as the most sustainable approach to healthcare”.
The opening date of the health and wellbeing hub will be announced shortly, along with the full range of services available

Health Care at the Heart of our Community
Victoria ward Town Councillor Liz Marsh added ” Whilst we were all absolutely devastated to lose our Drs from Victoria Park what has come about after much negotiation is extremely exciting and good news for our local community. Cllr Mick Lerry and the team at Victoria Park Community Centre have worked hard behind the scenes with NHS Somerset to bring about this new health and wellbeing hub which will be a one stop shop for many chronic illnesses such as those affected by diabetes, blood pressure, asthma as well as maternity and early years. So rather than being referred to Taunton or further now we will have a team of professionals on our door step to deliver these crucial treatments and health care right in the heart of our community where it is needed. There literally won’t be one unoccupied room in the building such has been the effort to ensure that the maximum amount of our communities health and welfare needs are met by this new venture. It’s an holistic approach which will hugely benefit our community.”