In Roman times the ‘Forum’ was a place where citizens could come together to discuss the burning issues of the day-public speeches, criminal trials and gladiatorial matches, all vied with commercial affairs, markets and politics. People would share their opinions and then do something about something. Invade Gaul for instance. However, in 21st Century Bridgwater the Town Council Forum system-although similar in concept and design -won’t (or at least ‘shouldn’t) have such a bloody end. These are Forums for the people of the town, their elected councilors, and experts, professionals and service deliverers to meet together in one place (in this case the Town Hall) and concentrate on key issues and then come up with a way forward. So much more than the usual ‘behind closed doors’ type council meetings. So this is what Bridgwater Town Council has planned and you (that’s you reading this) are welcome to come along and take part.
You are invited to attend Bridgwater Town Council’s FORUM meetings for 2019-20. A full list is included here, and the imminent ones highlighted.

(Convened by Cllr Brian Smedley)
7pm Charter Hall, Town Hall Bridgwater
The subject will be County & District Policy on TREES and the aim will be to develop a town council policy in the light of information provided and ideas from the Forum

(Convened by Cllr Glen Burrows)
4pm Charter Hall, Town Hall Bridgwater
The Transport Forum will first be looking at key aims and policies and then by topic -Rail, Road, Waterways, Pedestrian, considering how each of Forums aims can be developed into strategies for implementation

(Convened by Cllr Li Gibson)
7pm Charter Hall, Town Hall Bridgwater
This is a new Forum reflecting the Council’s support for action to tackle the Climate Change emergency and will be looking at how to introduce relevant measures within the town council and how to work with other authorities and the wider community.