The Somerset County Councillor for Bridgwater South, which includes Westover and Hamp wards, has announced that another £5,000.00 in Grants has become available to pass on to worthy causes this year through the SCC County Councillor Health and Wellbeing Budget Scheme 2015- 2016
Cllr Leigh Redman, who is also currently Mayor of Bridgwater, says “Following the success of last year’s Scheme the Health and Wellbeing Budget Scheme is running again and applications can be made through County Councillors until the end of January 2016.”
“This is quite a short period but offers a great opportunity to fund some innovative projects in Somerset. Councillors are able to put forward grant proposals (£250 minimum) which encourage local initiatives empowering communities to take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing and help people become better integrated in their community, particularly those who find it difficult to join in currently.”
“This supports the delivery of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy at a very local level focusing on areas of the Strategy in particular, which concentrate on People, families and communities taking responsibility for their own health and wellbeing, We expect any proposal to meet at least one of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy priorities above and a financial breakdown of the proposal is required. ”
It is expected that the funding will largely be directed towards voluntary/community groups, parish councils and not-for-profit organisations.
All applications must be made through the relevant County Councillor.
If you know of any groups please pass on and signpost to Cllr Redman as soon as possible..
Leigh can be contacted at leigh.redman@btinternet.com