Join us for an hour on Thursday 28th September at 6pm at the Engine Room to hear co-curators Yvette Staelens & Avril Silk talk about their exhibition:‘Born in the Wheel of a Wagon: Life & Leisure on the Road’ currently showing in the windows and cafeì of the Engine Room. This special display is timed to coincide with the annual Bridgwater St. Matthew’s Fair and reveals the lives of Travellers, as told by older members of the south-west Traveller community. It brings together photographs by Ted Franklin, recorded interviews and a book produced by MA Museum Studies students from Bournemouth University.
Join us on the 28th at 6pm when Yvette and Avril will talk about the lives of the Travellers depicted in the exhibition and discuss why it continues to matter that Travellers’ voices are heard and listened to in 2023.

All are very welcome.
Free admission.
Light refreshments and nibbles will be available.
The Engine Room, 50/52, High Street, Bridgwater TA6 3BL phone 01278 433187 www.somersetfilm.com