Bridgwater has the lowest take up in Somerset for the Covid vaccination and so to address this Bridgwater Town Council has provided space for the NHS to open up a walk in and get vaxxed drop in centre at the Town Hall . Leaders of Bridgwater Town Council were at the Town Hall this morning to spread the message. “Take up remains poor and we have to urgently address this.” Says Town Council Leader Brian Smedley (Westover) “To this end, Town Council has offered this space for free and we encourage everyone to simply walk up and get vaxxed at the Town Hall Drop in Centre. ” The Town Hall will be providing this service every Friday from 9 to 5pm and are negotiating more dates.

Deputy Leader of Bridgwater Town Council, Cllr Kathy Pearce (Westover) said “Thanks to the hard work of our Town Council staff in getting this set up and running, I’m delighted that the Town Council can host this walk in vaccination centre with no need to book. Its central location means that it’s accessible to all and I would urge that those who haven’t already done so, to pop and make use of this very local service.”
Town Council Leader, Cllr Brian Smedley (Westover) adds “This offer applies to anyone even if you’ve not even had your first or second vaxxes yet. The criteria is that anyone over 12 can get jabbed. So 1st, 2nd and boosters are being offered for those that are eligible, and that refers to the age range and period between doses in individual circumstances. We have offered the NHS to stay open longer as this is incredibly important.”
“Getting your jab really is as simple as turning up at the Town Hall , telling them your name, date of birth, address and confirming your own vaccination history. “
Mayor says ‘Grab-a-Jab’

Mayor of Bridgwater , Cllr Leigh Redman (Hamp) said “It’s not too late to get your COVID-19 vaccination or booster, please remember ‘Grab a Jab’ is the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones against the Corona-19 virus including the Omicron variant. A special shout out to the amazing hard-working vaccination teams and volunteers that are there to make vaccination clinics run as smoothly as possible. Please remember to be kind. ”