Category: Internationalist

The Bridgwater Mosque One Year On

This weekend trending on twitter is the hashtag #YouAintNoMuslimBruv. As the world reels in horror in the wake of the Paris bombings and British Muslims make their position clear after the Leytonstone incident, that the people doing these things for the past 10 years are not doing it in the name of true Islam, now […]

International Guests mark Remembrance day

Visitors from Bridgwater’s Czech and Italian Twin Towns were here to watch carnival but when it came to Remembrance day they had a plane to catch. Nevertheless they wanted to pay their own tribute to the people who had fallen in the many wars that have scarred humanity and so made a brief appearance at […]

Bridgwater Together – a new Internationalist initiative

As Bridgwater embraces more people and cultures, a special event is being organized to celebrate the many things that unite people across the world. Bridgwater Together is taking place at the Engine Room on Bridgwater High Street on Sunday October 25th between 10am and 4pm. One of the organizers, Phil Shepherd says “Everyone is welcome […]