Bridgwater Post Office Move Delayed

27 Eastover
27 Eastover

The Post Office today announced the relocation of Bridgwater Post Office has been delayed following the discovery of asbestos at the new site.

Building work to prepare the site at 27 Eastover, Bridgwater, TA6 5AW has uncovered asbestos. Specialist contractors are currently assessing the extent of the problem and preparing to remove the material and ensure the unit is safe for customers and staff.
A new date for the relocation of the branch will be communicated as soon as it is known.

The temporary branch at Mount Street, West Car Park, Bridgwater, TA6 3ER will continue to operate, maintaining Post Office service to customers. Continue reading “Bridgwater Post Office Move Delayed”

Bridgwater Town On The Up: “A real Buzz around the place” says Chairman

Westover Ward Town Councillor Pat Parker became Chairman of Bridgwater Town Football Club last year. This summer has seen major changes at the Club and these have been reflected in the results giving a boost to the town, the club and it’s supporters.

Speaking today at a regular Bridgwater Town FC Friday stall in the towns Fore street market, Pat told us, “There’s a real buzz around the place at the moment. We’ve won seven friendly matches and two league games and our odds on winning the League have gone from 50-1 to 8-1.”

One of the big changes is new manager Richard Fey, former assistant at Chippenham Town, who started his career as a goalkeeper on Bristol Rovers books and went on to play with several other clubs around the region including Frome, Clevedon and Mangotsfield. A host of new signings from a wide variety of clubs have left Bridgwater with their strongest looking team in many seasons. On start day of this season Bridgwater beat Bishops Cleeve 5.1 and followed this up with a 2.1 against Clevedon Town. Continue reading “Bridgwater Town On The Up: “A real Buzz around the place” says Chairman”

Wings Over Westover: Should something be done about the Seagulls?

wings over westoverA perennial problem for seaside and riverfront towns is the overabundance of seagulls. One complaint we often get in Westover ward, which includes the town centre and the riverside, is ‘what is being done about the seagulls?’

The Government is currently culling badgers and discussing the option of culling feral cats so is it possible the gull population is next or are there steps that could be taken to help us to live in greater harmony with our furry beaked litter redistributing chums? Who hasn’t had a small cute baby seagull fall on top of their heads while walking down Castle street? Are they lovable sweet God’s creatures or are they in fact flying rats that need a good culling??

To find out what is being done and what more could be done we asked Sedgemoor District Councils Environment Department and got the following answers. Continue reading “Wings Over Westover: Should something be done about the Seagulls?”

New Post Office to open on September 11th

27 Eastover
27 Eastover

The current Bridgwater temporary Post Office situated on the site of the former Sedgemoor Splash will finally close it’s doors at 1730 on Tuesday 10th September. The long awaited NEW town centre post office will open in Eastover at 09.00 on Wednesday 11th September.

Cllr Brian Smedley, Bridgwater Westover, said, “Westovers minor loss is the town centre’s gain. It was as a result of a popular and united campaign that we convinced the Post Office to abandon their plans to relocate to Sainsbury’s supermarket and at the same time got them to redefine their attitude to the town centre and make sure the new Post Office remained here. It’s important for the regeneration of the town that both Westover and Eastover are recognised as together constituting the town centre of Bridgwater and that planners and developers should take note of this.”

The new post office will be located at 27 Eastover,Bridgwater TA65AW. Opening hours will be 9am to 5.30 monday to saturday with all day closing on Sundays. In a letter to ward councillors Field Change Advisor Matt Walls said, “The new post office is 0.6miles from the current location, the same wide range of products and services will still be available including on demand travel money, passport check and send and car tax. There will be a mixture of screened and open plan serving positions, access will be level with a wide door,a low level counter and space for a wheechair plus a hearing loop. There is a fee paying car park nearby and the local bus station within 92 metres of the new premises.”

Sedgemoor come down hard on Dog Fouling in Town centre

The message this week from Sedgemoor District Council is “Keep an eye on your dog and pick up that poo” as more prosecutions hit the headlines. In a press release today Sedgemoor makes it clear that they’re taking the issue seriously.

“Dog fouling is one of top complaints made to Sedgemoor District Council. A Bridgwater resident was prosecuted at Taunton Magistrates Court on Friday, 2nd August for failing to ‘pick up’ after his dog on four occasions in Bridgwater Town Centre. The offences were captured on CCTV. The dog owner commented that he usually cleared up after his dog, but there was nothing he could do if he didn’t see the offence. The clear message from Sedgemoor District Council is to supervise your dog, especially when off the lead, and always clear up after it.The defendant was ordered to pay fines and costs of £230.”