Do you know someone who deserves to be recognised for their work trying to make Bridgwater a better place during the past 12 months ? Well, if so then why not nominate them for the Bridgwater Cup! The prestigious cup, which was made in London in 1768, is made of silver gilt and is awarded each year by Bridgwater Town Council to someone that their fellow townspeople think has made a significant contribution to the life of the town. To nominate individuals or organisations, all you need to do is submit a suggestion with a short paragraph saying your reasons and then either drop it in to Judi Fisher at the Town Hall Office or emailing it to office@bridgwater-tc.gov.uk or sending an envelope clearly marked ‘The Bridgwater Cup- Nominations, Confidential’ to Judi Fisher, Bridgwater Town Council, Town Hall, High Street, Bridgwater, TA6 3AS.
The deadline for 2019-20 entries is February 27th, 2020 and the decision will be taken at the Full Town Council meeting of Thursday March 5th.
Previous winners of the cup have been

2018 Kelly Llewellyn
2017 Mike Slade
2016 Kim Dodden
2015 Jacqueline Manning
2014 Keith Barnard
2013 Keith and Margaret Robinson
2012 Chris Kettle
2011 Mary Carter

2010 Bryan Gillard
2009 Peter Cattermole
2008 Janet Harvey
2007 Eileen Haysham
2006 Judith Allen
2005 Eric Shackleford
2004 Mollie Gay
2003 Amy Crockford

2002 George and Maureen Hudson
2001 Alan King
2000 Bob Pitman
1999 Fred and Doris Snow
1998 Mary Carter
1997 June Trzos
1996 Roger Evans
1995 Violet Cato

1994 Bill Biffen
1993 Douglas Moles
1992 Joan Chester
1991 Reginald Browning
1990 Joan Atkin
1989 Bill Chedgey