Westover ward councillors Brian Smedley and Kathy Pearce joined Bridgwater South County Councillor Leigh Redman this morning visiting picket lines to show solidarity with striking public sector workers as National Strike action spread to include public buildings in the town centre.
At midday the councillors joined workers from all the striking unions and their supporters at the town’s Cornhill handing out leaflets to the public explaining the reasons behind the strike.
Workers from the FBU, PCS, UNISON, NUT, UNITE,RMT were all taking part in the strike which saw picket lines around Bridgwater house, the job Centre, the Library and the Fire station along with several schools closed and the Town Hall offices closed to the public.

Somerset County Labour leader and Unite member Leigh Redman said: “There is deep anger at this governments’ assault on public services. This is not just about pay. It’s about the pressure of huge workloads, the targets culture and the stress of bullying managers. People have had enough. Across Britain spending cuts have decimated local services. By 2015/16 the Con/Dem government will have hacked £11.3 billion from local government funds in England alone.”
Cllr Brian Smedley said “When workers go on strike it’s a hard decision and it takes courage to stand up for what you believe in and when that happens the Labour Movement should come together. I’m here as a Labour councillor and a UNITE member to support the strikers and the stand they’re making on behalf of everyone.”