Seed, the Arts Council England funded Creative People and Places project for Sedgemoor has launched an online campaign to help people connect and share during the Covid-19 lockdown. Via social media they are inviting people who live or work in Sedgemoor to post a ‘shelfie’. Similar to a ‘selfie’, a ‘shelfie’ is a self-portrait of sorts, in the form of a photograph of a shelf or shelves in your home or workspace.
Scott O’Hara, Director of Seed explains “The items we own, store and display provide a wonderful window into our selves and our identities. We’d love to see and share these glimpses of Sedgemoor. This is the perfect diversionary and connecting activity for any anyone working from home, ill or self-isolating during the Covid-19 lockdown.”
To participate, simply take a photograph of a shelf or several shelves in your home or workplace and post it to social media with the hashtag #shelfiesofsedgemoor.
Seed are also encouraging anonymous contributions. Simply email your shelfie to info@seedsedgemoor.com and it will be posted on the Seed website and social media channels without attribution.
Share, Share, Share! Don’t be Shelfish!
The campaign is part of a larger effort to consult with the community about the kinds of creative arts activities they would like to see developed through the Creative People and Places programme. “Shelfies provide a wonderful glimpse into the cultural life and creative mind of their owner, but we’d also love to hear directly from people via our short online survey,” added Claire Tough, from consortium lead organisation Homes in Sedgemoor.
Anyone living or working in Sedgemoor is invited to join the conversation at www.seedsedgemoor.com where you can complete an online survey also available at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/QZLMR3Q.
The #shelfiesofsedgemoor can be seen on twitter https://twitter.com/Seed78982372 or facebook https://www.facebook.com/seedsedgemoor/seedsedgemoor.com/.
Westover Shelflife Competition
Westover councillors have also got into the isolationshelfpartyswing and your 4 Westover members have each submitted one of their shelves. See if you can guess which one is which. Answers by email to westoverward@gmail.com marked ‘Number 3’s obviously that twat Smedley‘.