Category: History

On This Day in History: Friday 12th September 1947 CIAM6 comes to Bridgwater

New York, London, Paris , Munich everybody’s talking about….well, Bridgwater it seems. And that was certainly the case on 12th September  1947 when everybody who was anybody in the International world of Architecture came to the Somerset town to plan a high rise future for a post war population… how on earth did that happen…..? […]

On this Day in History: June 23rd 1957 Bridgwater Twins with La Ciotat

Twinning, as a concept, originated after the First World War, as an idea to bring peoples closer together. That didn’t work. After the subsequent  carnage of World War Two it gained an additional impetus. And nowhere more so than in France;-occupied, divided and devastated by German Nazis, home grown collaborators and fought over by armies […]

Packed out Arts Centre for Bridgwater History Day

Bridgwater History Day, held at the Arts Centre on Saturday 12th November, and sponsored by Bridgwater Town Council left no-one in any doubt that we are rich in history, local historians and local people who are proud of their heritage and want to work to retain and maintain it. People Joyce Hurford, of Blake Museum […]

November 12th is Bridgwater History Day!

Bridgwater people have always been proud of their town’s history whether it’s the first town to petition against the slave trade or the last battle on English soil. With our ‘Bridgwater History Day’ we hope we can dig a little deeper into that history. Throughout the day the Art Centre will be home to a […]

On This Day In History: Monday July 6th 1685 -The Battle of Sedgemoor

Today there were red coated soldiers marching around Bridgwater firing guns, wielding pikes and talking rebellion. As it happens it was the Sealed Knot society here to recreate the last battle (so far) on English Soil. The Battle of Sedgemoor is a tale of rebellion, defeat and the bloody justice handed out by a tyrannical […]