Exciting scenes as Dog Waste Bin finally installed at Docks

Cllr Smedley along with 2 passing strangers officially opens the new Dockside Dog bin and confirm "it's already been used"
Cllr Smedley along with 2 passing strangers officially opens the Dockside Dog bin and confirm “it’s already been used”

Earlier this year , Westover councillors responded to residents requests for more dog waste bins by working with Clean Surroundings and Bridgwater Town Council to access a couple of extra bins for the ward.

The original campaign called for a bin in the vicinity of Manley Gardens and resulted in the one currently on the canal access path off Old Taunton road. However, with a second bin on offer, councillors then carried out a survey of ALL dog bins in the ward , identified gaps in provision and put them to the vote as part of an online survey.

A satisfied customer
A satisfied customer

After an exciting tied result for first placeĀ  the top 3 choices – Morrisons, West street and the Docks, were all put to one final vote with the nail biting result that the ‘Docks had it’.

Councillor Brian Smedley said “In many ways it was a bit like Britains Got Talent, the X Factor and Big Brother. Although we stopped short of getting Ant and Dec involved.”