This year the Bridgwater Twinning Conference will be spread over the weekend of 21st to 25th April. Bridgwater with 5 twin towns, (La Ciotat France, Homberg-Germany, Uherske Hradiste-Czech Republic, Marsa-Malta, Priverno-Italy) leads the way in modern day Internationalism around Somerset
Organiser, Westover Councillor Brian Smedley, says “When we say ‘conference’ what we really mean is the opportunity to meet the people that run the twinning groups in our town and some visitors from our twin towns.”

This year the event will feature a Rockabilly band AFTER DARK from Bridgwater’s newest twin town PRIVERNO, in Italy plus singing councillor Dom Spenser from Maltese twin MARSA, a group of ‘Town Guards’ in National costume – from German twin town HOMBERG, a businessman and a teacher from Czech twin town UHERSKE HRADISTE and a teacher and a doctor from French twin town LA CIOTAT
Cllr Smedley says “On Saturday 23rd April we will open the doors of Bridgwater Town Hall and set up several stalls from the different countries so anyone interested can drop in, meet the twinners and their guests and see what they have to offer, taste some of the food and drink and maybe get involved. The Town Hall stalls will be open from 11am to 3pm.”

On the evening of Saturday 23rd April ,St George’s Day, there will be a twinning party at the Bridgwater Arts Centre featuring visiting Italian Rockabilly band AFTER DARK . The evening will start at 8pm and also feature Maltese singers and dancers IL MALTIN TRADIZZIJONALI , a performance by ALIMAJANAAN and her Belly Dancers, and a one off gig by Bridgwater group RED SMED & THE HOT TROT SMASH THE SYSTEM BOOGIE BAND. Of whom it has been said. (To see ‘what’ has been said click here)
Tickets can be bought online here or on the night there.
On Sunday 24th April it will be the turn of French Twins La Ciotat to have the spotlight on them. Cllr Smedley adds “Next year will be the 60th anniversary of this our very first twinning dating back to 1957 and we will be holding a special meeting for anyone who would like to be involved. People are welcome to contact us if interested”

On Monday 25th April it will be the turn of the Maltese. 10 years old this year the Marsa twinning group will be holding an event at 2.30 at Cannington walled gardens where the Maltese National flower ‘Ears of the Sea’ (Cheirolophus crassifolius) will be planted.
The purple flowering plant is a widespread feature of the Maltese coastal landscape.
One of the main highlights of the week will be the visit by Priverno rockers ‘After Dark’. This 3-piece (drums, double bass, guitar) play twangy, surfy, rock’n’rolly dance music and it will be their first UK tour. Cllr Smedley concludes “If you want to help us and support the weekend please feel welcome to turn up to some of the events. You can also catch AFTER DARK at the following venues”
Thursday 21st April The PEBBLES inn at Watchet 8pm (donation)
Friday 22nd April Bridgwater College Music Festival 1pm in the Media Centre (free)
Saturday 23rd April Bridgwater Arts Centre 8pm (£10)
Sunday 24th April Taunton CIC Centre, Paul street 8pm (£7)
For more information contact
Cllr Brian Smedley,