Fresh from his global success with his hilarious ‘Xmas Lights Switch on’ video, new Comedy Mayor Cllr Leigh Redman, has now ‘turned on’ the festive shop windows of Bridgwater with his annual seasonal window of the year prize. It was only a week ago that you couldn’t turn on the TV without seeing Bridgwater’s Mayor, with Sedgemoor’s Chairman Cllr Peter Clayton, ably performing the role of Robin, at his side turning on those Christmas lights a fraction too late and providing comedy gold from the One Show to Have I Got News For You via The Last Leg, to the Ellen de Generis TV programme to ‘What’s Daft in Papua New Guinea This Week’. Bridgwater was making its mark on the world stage again, even if it was for all the wrong reasons. This week if you were doing your Christmas shopping you couldn’t move without seeing Comedy Mayor standing outside your chosen shop in chains and mask judging ‘Xmas Shop Window of the Year’…..and this Christmas the window chosen was Bridgwater’s ground breaking High Street vegan takeaway ‘Scoffage’.
Mayor Leigh visited every shop which even had the semblance of a nod to Christmas in its windows and made the tough decision of who to award the trophy to after locking himself in the Mayoral cupboard and praying to his lucky Mayoral plunger for 5 minutes. Leigh said “I was lucky enough to be asked to tour our town centre to judge the Bridgwater town Council supported Christmas window display competition, I spent some time over the weekend going around the town, seeking out windows. I must admit how wonderful all those that took the time looked, there were so many great entries. I want to make a special shout out to the painted window at Andrew Lees Letting and the Window of Victoria Hair it is both subtle and beautiful. The winner this year was the fantastic busy window at Scoffage, the time and effort taken shows, with different things coming out as you take time to investigate the space. Thank you again everyone that made the effort this year.”
Do you agree with Comedy Mayors Choice? If you were Mayor of a town with shops and windows what criteria might you have chosen? Now, for a bit of fun with no actual chance of affecting the result, you can judge your own by taking part in our ‘What if I were Comedy Mayor for 10 minutes which Christmas window would I choose?’ poll. Right here, right now. (answers below in the comments section)
XMAS SHOP WINDOW OF THE YEAR 2020- Which would YOU choose?
Well,Barry, without a shadow of a doubt, for me the winner should be Cornhill Records. It’s like Blackpool illunimations in there! For sure. Dave Twott