Campaigners Win Reinstatement of Town Centre Christmas Tree

Bridgwater's Xmas tree is back!!
Bridgwater’s Xmas tree is back!!

Bridgwater Town Council’s finance committee today voted in funds to bring back the Cornhill Christmas tree after a proposal by Westover Councillor Brian Smedley was put on the agenda and debated.

Cllr Smedley said “We haven’t had a Christmas tree in the town centre for several years and the reason was basically that it was being vandalised by drunken idiots and then looking a mess or costing even more to repair. However, this christmas there was a campaign started by Westover  town centre resident Steve Coram, who simply posted on the Bridgwater Past and Present facebook page bemoaning the lack of a tree and suddenly hundred of people were clamouring for it’s return and specifically that we shouldn’t give in to the vandals. I undertook to bring this to the Town Council and today they supported me which means we’ll have a christmas tree  once more next December.” Continue reading “Campaigners Win Reinstatement of Town Centre Christmas Tree”

High Street Jazz Cafe back on Planning agenda

Jazz Blues Cafe
Jazz Blues Cafe

Back by popular demand is the application by dedicated local music promoters SRL to establish a Jazz Blues cafe on Bridgwater’s High Street. Despite being rejected narrowly by the Sedgemoor planning committee at it’s pre-christmas meeting amidst much controversy the SRL team are committed to having another go at making their case to boost the High Street economy.

The plan, which is supported by Westover councillors, is for  change of use of the ground floor of 18 High Street from use class A1/A2 to use classes A3-A5 (a Jazz, Blues and Soul Themed Venue, also trading as a brasserie restaurant and coffee shop (day time) and licensed bar with music (evenings).

The application can be viewed and commented on on-line here;–

Jazz Cafe Planning Application Continue reading “High Street Jazz Cafe back on Planning agenda”

Somerset Floods – Community Update 15th February 2014

Soimerset floods February 2014
Soimerset floods February 2014

For the latest version of this update, visit

For latest weather forecasts, visit the Met Office

For flood warnings, visit or call (0345 988 1188).

Latest news

Transport arrangements for Oath

A third All-Terrain vehicle arrives in Somerset to help Oath residents stranded by rising floodwater. The vehicle will begin running today and we are working with the community to tailor the service to their needs. Continue reading “Somerset Floods – Community Update 15th February 2014”

Severe Flood Warnings Continue


Two severe Flood Warnings remain in place as issued by the Environment Agency on Wednesday. Water levels have risen in Moorland by 7mm overnight with levels continuing to rise. Water is rising by approximately 5mm per hour, this per hour rate is expected to increase overnight.

Latest information on properties (not exact): roughly 36 people remain in Moorland across roughly 16 properties. Moorland village hall is now flooded, the 24hr police-manned information and support centre has now moved to the Old School House in Moorland.

Travel to the Moorland area should be avoided as the area is inaccessible to normal vehicles and 4 x 4’s- it is now only accessible by boat. SDC were tasked with setting-up transportation cell this morning, which will include fire and rescue, county, SDC and military. SDC set-up the cell with SCC now leading this activity. Continue reading “Severe Flood Warnings Continue”

February High Tide pass with minor incidents

F1 River Levels
F1 River Levels

The predicted high tide of early morning February 1st failed to reach the levels of the January 4th floods in central Bridgwater but again drains on West Quay failed and the street filled with water whilst in Blake gardens the Durleigh brook again overtopped and filling the park once more this time was diverted by the new St Saviours temporary flood barrier sending gallons of water cascading via a new water-feature into the Old Taunton road underpass.

On West Quay by the time had turned at 8.30 Somerset Highways engineers were pumping out the drains whilst in Blake Gardens Derek Wall, Sedgemoors Engineer on the spot was waiting forn the river to drop before giving the order to pump out the underpass. Continue reading “February High Tide pass with minor incidents”