Bridgwater History Day 2024 will be Saturday 23rd November

Bridgwater’s popular ‘History Day’ is set this year for Saturday 23rd November and will run from 10am until 4pm at the Bridgwater Arts Centre. No tickets are needed, just turn up, and there’s a free (historical) lunch as well. The event is sponsored by Bridgwater Town Council and Bridgwater & Taunton College and has now been running for 10 years with capacity audiences on each occaision. Different local historians will take to the stage and present aspects of Bridgwater’s interesting history while stalls will be available in the gallery space with a historical theme. This years event includes talks ranging from Bridgwater’s role in the English Civil war to Bridgwater’s place in the Beat Music scene of the 1960’s. Speakers will include County Archaelogist Bob Croft, Bridgwater College History lecturer Sarah Ball and Town Council Leader Brian Smedley. There will also be several short films from historians Miles Kerr-Peterson and Tony Woolrich covering Bridgwater in the 1790’s, John Chubb, the Castle and Bridgwater’s oldest pub. Food will be provided by Lesley Gates who this year will do a ‘Civil war’ theme. Town Council Leader Brian Smedley says “Bridgwater people love their history and quite rightly so. This is the town which was the first to call for the ending of the Slave Trade, the first to call for an end to appeasement in the 1930s, the last battle on English soil and the first place where 18 year olds could vote. These events are really popular and every year there’s something new to uncover in our radical, revolutionary, riveting, rebel past!”

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Bridgwater Together all set for Saturday November 16th

2024 is the 10th anniversary of Bridgwater Together, our annual festival celebrating the diversity of the communities that make up our town. The event will be held at the Town Hall and also at the Engine Room on Bridgwater’s High Street and will last from 10.30am until 3pm.  Activities will include live music, dance, food and drink to share, family and childrens activities, workshops, free food, stalls and face painting. Bridgwater Town Council is one of the key sponsors of the event along with other groups such as Somerset Diverse Communities, CCS, Unite the Union, Bridgwater Trades Council, HPC Community Fund, Bridgwater International, Somerset Council, Somerset Film, Fusion Fostering  and FUSE Somerset outdoor Arts. Town Council Leader Brian Smedley (Labour, Westover) said “We are proud that our town has welcomed such a wide and diverse group of people from across the world into our community and this day is our annual chance to showcase what that means. Our Mayor Jacqui Solomon will launch the day alongside the Police & Crime Commissioner Clare Moody and everybody and anybody is welcome to turn up to the Town Hall to see what’s going on. There will be music from across the world, food, stalls, information, talks and people. People from across the globe who have chosen our town to live in and our community to be part of. This is a day for everyone to meet each other and celebrate each other’s culture and in doing so our own strength through diversity.”

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How Green is Your Workplace?

How Green is Your Workplace? Our planet is in trouble. How can we reverse the crisis and create a sustainable future? No jobs on a dead planet!  How can we make a difference? There is clear evidence that whatever we do to conserve energy, recycle or reuse materials, however small our actions, they do make a difference. Any action we take – at home or in our workplaces – reminds us that we are not just passive consumers but connects us to the bigger picture and to others across the planet trying to build a world based on human well-being and ecological stability, rather than destructive over consumption. This means we need a new way of thinking about our relationship with the world. However unrealistic that might sound, to quote the poet Wendell Berry, ‘We must act as if it’s possible.’.

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Town Hall Planetarium

The ‘Fallen Moon ‘by Luke Jerram has had many spin-offs and one of them was the Planetarium in the Town Hall in Bridgwater today. Town Council Portfolio Holder for Arts, Culture & Heritage, Cllr Irena Hubble (Fairfax West, Labour) was at the event and notes “There were opportunities to visit this event and over 200 people did! It begins with an introduction to a large circular tent in the theatre. Once you enter the tent you begin your cosmic experience. Simon explains that you will have your best experience if you take off your shoes and coat as it gets quite hot in space! Once inside we’re off ! with the background music by David Bowie and Elton John. Simon enjoined us to lie on the floor and indeed this was the best position for the show!”

Town Council Culture spokesperson Irena Hubble

Irena continues “Forty minutes is packed with interesting information on space flight, the astronauts currently in space and who is preparing to fly on the different missions.We see what it is like on the international space station and how Americans, Brits , Russians and other nationalities all collaborate up there. What a shame we cannot do this on planet Earth. Did you know Shaun the sheep has been up in space? We experienced what it is like to be in a rock shower with  boulders hurtling towards us, just as happened  when craters were  created on the moon. Finally we were treated to the constellations and saw them projected  in the night sky in the tent. It was a fascinating 40 minutes and we are pleased to report some Bridgwater schools will have the experience this week.”


Irena says “Chatting to participants it was great to hear how enthusiastic they were about the Moon and the whole event. Predominantly young families were in the audience and a number of them said they had never visited the Docks before. They were keen to see the area developed and for it to become a regular part of the culture of the town. The night market was particularly popular amongst this demographic. I think the spin-offs  will last much longer and will help economic regeneration take off in this part of the town. It is particularly pleasing that it is  an art installation that is  the catalyst for change.”

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Bridgwater Arts Centre Open Day

Bridgwater Arts Centre, the first in the country, now in its 78th year

Today, Saturday 19th October, the doors of the country’s first art centre, here in Bridgwater’s famous Castle Street, were thrown open to the public for people to drop in, see what’s going on and consider getting involved.  This free event invited the community to explore the vibrant world of arts and culture that thrives within the centre. From 11:00am to 3:00pm, visitors enjoyed a variety of activities, performances, and workshops designed to showcase the diverse offerings of the artcentre.

Highlights of the day included venue tours,theatre performances by Caught in the Act Youth Theatre at 11:00am, a Bounce class at 12:00pm, and the Bridgwater Community Choir at 1:30pm. Continue reading “Bridgwater Arts Centre Open Day”