Wonderful, Wonderful West Quay

This week I was in Copenhagen. It’s what I do. Tour Bridgwater people abroad and bring international groups back here. The centrepiece of the salty old queen of the sea (yes, she came too) is the old harbour side frontage of Nyhavn. Multi coloured houses, boats moored alongside and cafes and bars lining the frontage. It’s kind of like what we have here in Bridgwater. West Quay was the quayside where Bridgwater began. The ‘West Ufer’ (spot ‘Westover there’) of Saxon ‘Brugie’ just before they built a bridge and a right big castle.

Nyhavn, Copenhagen

When the wall fell down a few years ago we jumped at the chance to get the restored quayside pedestrianised so that we could start to develop a café culture there.

The ‘rive gauche’ of the Parret Riviera was taking shape.

Only a century ago both West Quay and Nyhavn were teaming with sailors and traders from far and wide with a lively tavern and hostelry culture. And can again!

Many towns would give their high teeth (whatever that means) to have the maritime history that we have here. We could do so much more with it. And of course, with the docks, sadly neglected by County’s procrastination with the transfer to us at Town council and the sorry eviction of the boats that had previously made it their home. (and will again!)

West Quay, Bridgwater

Older people remember a time when craft were moored up 3 a breast across the river at West Quay and kids would run across the river deck to deck. And others would remember before the flood defences that the tide would come in and as it went out the shopkeepers would simply sweep the water and silt out of their shops and back into the river

Now I’m not suggesting a return to EITHER of those….but I AM saying..look at what we’ve got and what we could do with it!!

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